with spaying, neutering, & vaccination
It's no secret that Houston is home to one of our country's largest animal overpopulation problems. What's worse, it doesn't just affect the poor cats and dogs being left to fend for themselves on the streets.
Tax payers are affected when the county has to pay to feed, house, and ultimately (tragically) euthanize these animals who have nowhere to go.
Homeowners and HOAs are affected when strays roam the neighborhoods, causing property damage and trouble selling homes.
Pet owners are affected when strays fight, pass disease to, mate with, or stress out their pets.
and Most Heartbreakingly...These animals are affected; their lives are often spent roaming the streets trying to survive. When the county takes them in there's a huge struggle to find them good homes. They are sadly spending their remaining days in shelters until they're ultimately euthanized or on the street dying of sickness, injury, and abuse.
this isn't just about the pets, either...
This Affects our Entire Community
You CAN Help.
The Empty Shelter Project is an initiative to help PREVENT overpopulation in Houston. We provide FREE Spay and Neuter services in UNDER-SERVED Houston areas to pet owners of all income levels.
To do this, it takes the hard work of several local vets, 30+ pieces of expensive and unique mobile equipment, tons of volunteers and a whole lot of love. So... How can you help?
DONATIONS: Each one of our events services over 300 cats and dogs. These are surgical procedures and your donations help fund a NUMBER of required materials for these pets. Everything from anesthesia to equipment, pain medication to veterinarian time is paid for by your donations and donations are the number one way to help keep animals off the streets. Click here if you would like to make a donation!
VOLUNTEERING: Our operation is run primarily by hard working volunteers. Everyone onsite aside from the veterinarians have come to help out as volunteers and work tirelessly to ensure a safe, healthy environment for your pets. Volunteering is an amazing and generous way to support our cause.
Click here to join our mailing list for notifications about upcoming volunteer opportunities!
If you are a veterinarian or a veterinary technician interested in helping, please email us.
START A FUNDRAISER: Thanks to the amazing tools on Social Media platforms like Facebook, YOU can start your VERY OWN Fundraiser to support our cause. All you have to do is visit The Empty Shelter Project's Facebook page and click the "Create Fundraiser" button.